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VRP Extension Resveratrol 30caps

VRP Extension Resveratrol 30caps

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 10381
Barcode: 810832012443
    What is Resveratrol?    Resveratrol is a phytonutrient found in the skin of red grapes, in red wine, in Japanese knotweed, and also in cocoa powde …
49.90€ 39.92€
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    What is Resveratrol?

    Resveratrol is a phytonutrient found in the skin of red grapes, in red wine, in Japanese knotweed, and also in cocoa powder, baking chocolate, dark chocolate, peanuts, and mulberry skin in low levels. It occurs naturally in two forms: cis-resveratrol and trans-resveratrol. Trans-resveratrol is much more bioactive and clinically beneficial than cis-resveratrol.*

    As a cutting-edge nutritional supplement, resveratrol has seen great success in a number of studies in mice and rats; it has inflammation-balancing properties, supports healthy blood sugar levels, and greatly benefits the cardiovascular system. Further studies show that these benefits are conferred in humans, as well.*
    Why Extension Resveratrol?

    Vitamin Research Products offers 300 mg of the finest trans-resveratrol as part of its powerful Extension Resveratrol formula. Not only do you get the most bioavailable and efficient form of resveratrol in each vegetarian capsule, you also get a side of beneficial red wine polyphenols, which complement the heart health benefits provided by trans-resveratrol. To top off this potent mixture, we’ve added 50 mg of the antioxidant powerhouse quercetin for maximum benefit; quercetin helps enhance the bioavailability of resveratrol, which otherwise metabolizes very quickly when ingested.*
    Extension Resveratrol’s Secret

    Resveratrol is thought to activate an enzyme known as Sirtuin 1. Sirtuin 1 helps regulate metabolism; this may complement weight management efforts. In addition, sirtuin 1 plays an important role in the regulation of cellular life spans; it also promotes healthy insulin efficiency.*
    Extension Resveratrol and Extending Lifespans

    In 2003, resveratrol was found to considerably extend the lifespan of a type of yeast; later studies found that the effects were similar on worms and fruit flies. In 2006, studies investigated the impact of a high dose of this beneficial phytonutrient on a short-lived species of fish. Not only was the fish’s lifespan increased by an average of 56%, the fish maintained a higher level of activity and better learning rates for longer than the fish that were not supplemented.*

    Scientists hypothesize that resveratrol stimulates the body’s defense mechanisms, rendering them quicker to enhance the health and healing of various organs and tissues, resulting in the promotion of healthy aging.*
    Extension Resveratrol and Overweight

    Amazingly, animal studies have found that resveratrol can counteract the negative effects of a high-fat, high-calorie diet. Results show that overweight mice supplemented with this important nutrient had the same death rates, liver function, blood sugar levels, and heart and muscle health as individuals in healthy weight ranges! The effects of a high-calorie diet were inhibited in an incredible 94% of biochemical pathways, despite the tested animals being significantly overweight.*

    Another study found that healthy young mice supplemented with resveratrol experienced dramatic improvements in aerobic capacity, physical endurance, oxygen efficiency, and grip strength. Resveratrol even helped promote healthy fat metabolism and clearance in the liver.*

    When tested on animals, the benefits of supplementation appeared to parallel several of the biochemical effects of calorie restriction. Resveratrol also increases the size and number of mitochondria, the parts of cells that produce energy; in essence, the mice receiving supplements were able to burn most of their calories, instead of storing them as fat.*
    Extension Resveratrol and Heart Health

    Resveratrol may play a part in “the French paradox,” the anomaly where drinking moderate amounts of red wine supports healthy heart function. The best method of supporting long-term heart health is pre-conditioning, not direct therapy applied after problems have started, and pre-conditioning is exactly what this nutrient is theorized to do.*

    Resveratrol can maintain good cell, heart, and eye health. It can also assist with supporting healthy arteries, which play a vital role in heart health and maintaining healthy blood pressure.*
    Extension Resveratrol and Your Brain

    Resveratrol has been shown to promote the clearance of unwanted protein deposits in animal brains; formation of these deposits has been associated with less than optimal cognitive function as a result of the normal aging process. This nutrient’s neuroprotective effects have been confirmed in several studies; it acts on a signaling pathway called AMPK, which boosts neuronal energy and supports healthy brain function.*
    What Else Can Extension Resveratrol Do?

    Believe it or not, Extension Resveratrol’s benefits aren’t limited to healthy aging, weight management, heart and blood health, and brain health. It can also...

        Promote a balanced inflammatory response*
        Increase endurance and muscle strength*
        Maintain healthy blood sugar levels*
        Promote optimal immune function*
        Help the body combat oxidative stress*
        Support healthy lipid levels*

    Recommended Dosage:

    One or more capsules per day as desired.

Barcode: 810832012443

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